Our research
Research at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology encompasses field, experimental, and analytical studies as well as theoretical modelling.
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Our main goal is to provide a deeper understanding and calibration of physical processes ranging from the formation of the earth and solar system through mountain building, ocean evolution, volcanism, and ore deposition.
The institute is structured into the following principal research groups.
Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Prof. Maria Schönbächler
Various isotopes in natural materials are measured with cutting edge mass spectrometers to study a number of fundamental issues in earth sciences, including the formation of the solar system, earth, and moon, as well as the compositional structure and evolution of our planet (and others around the solar system).
Volcanology and Magmatic Petrology
Prof. Olivier Bachmann
The Volcanology and Magmatic Petrology group studies magmatic rocks (both plutonic and volcanic units) in many location worldwide to better understand the differentiation of our planet, the generation of the earth's crust, and the hazards related to volcanic activity.
Quick access to research group websites
- chevron_right Earth Surface Geochemistry
- chevron_right Experimental Mineral Physics
- chevron_right Experimental Planetology
- chevron_right High Pressure Geology
- chevron_right Isotope Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
- chevron_right Mineral Resource Systems and Ore Fluids
- chevron_right Volcanology and Magmatic Petrology
- chevron_right Marine Geology and Geochemistry